>>21145916uses to make 10-15k a month (take home 5-8 grand per paycheck) and completely agree with this
>>21145920the two most miserable times in my life were when i was making money hand over fist, and the year after i decided to quit. literally all i cared about was making money and fucking girls. thats it, i had 0 personality, 0 interests, ans 0 hobbies. i got to the point where i felt a jelous rage when i saw people doing things i used to like doing, i saw a guy driving with a kayak on his roof and spent the next half hour thinking how stupid and gay he was. the moment i quit that job and found a more stable version of it (with less pay) i was fucking miserable. i actually had free time, and i was fucking miserable about it. i had nothing to do, my house had clothes and food in it with a tv i never used cause i didnt have time. and my only other possessions were a sports car and a motorcycle. i had literally nothing other than shit to get me laid or bring me to work. i had to develop hobbies and go back into my mind from when i was a teenager and actually somewhat happy. can report im married, have a stable live, a daughter i love. im really into history, 3d printing, I love my friday night MTG, and occasionally sitting down and playing some Elite dangerous when its a nice lazy day.
these guys have literal caveman brain and dont care about nothing other than food, their cave, and sex.