>>9543436https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebPP1ci1IE - Dr. David Jacobs summarizing the abduction phenomenon and the implications
https://youtu.be/WzTxiFem-aI - 1 hr. lecture by Dr. David Jacobs outlining abductions, alien types, etc. in detail
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Ck2lBGl1s - Budd Hopkins outlining the physical evidence
The real red pill is that aliens have already been here for decades (probably since WW2, with nuclear weapons and nuclear power alerting them to Earth. There are dozens of well-documented UFO incidents). They do not have good intentions like the New Age/Pleidian bullshitters would have you think - there is a covert program of abduction which is being used to create alien-human hybrids who have the telepathic abilities, which now are apparently being settled among us according to Dr. David Jacobs (who has worked with hundreds of abductees over many decades, was a tenured professor at Temple University until his recent retirement). It simply doesn't look good; the evidence in the above videos is extremely convincing and thorough that it is not just sleep paralysis, hallucinations, etc. This is a real physical phenomenon.
Our technology can do absolutely nothing against their craft, and their telepathic abilities are FAR stronger than anything we can combat. The abduction phenomenon is reproductive in nature and is clearly for nefarious goals since the aliens are trying to keep it covert and take people without their consent.