>>3023116Another thing of note:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua>It has been speculated that the object may have been ejected from a stellar system in the Carina–Columba association some 45 million years ago>About 1.3 million years ago the object may have passed the nearby star TYC4742-1027-1 within a distance of 0.16 parsecs (0.52 light-years), but its velocity is too high to have originated from this star, as it probably just passed through the Oort cloud of that system at a speed of 103 km/s (230,000 mph).[24][n 10]>Bannister, et al. have suggested that it could also be a contact binary.[10]For those who don't know, contact binaries are basically asteroids with a pinch in them, because they fused together. Supposedly.
Because it's an asteroid coming directly from the most luminous star in the galaxy, Eta Carnae. Not that that's a definite beacon or anything.