it feels wrong and perverse, I wish I was given a choice not to follow the rabbit and stay away from the drugs, but like that choice came when I was preteen when I gave my life to studyig truth that doesn't exist instead of hedonistic petty life of sex party fun
>thanks... though my hernia technically already counts as it is more exposed than your typical gut isyeah it's nice is a good enough feedback, this is probably never hittig the press anyway so why even bother with extensive feedback, just a stepping stone to my career full of misshaps and failures
I miss when girls didn't wear makeup, now I'm the only one that can be seen blushing, or rather going all red all the time bacuse stress makes all my blood go to the viscerocranium
I din't spend time with them, are you not familiar with the term highschool bullies- except they weren't bullies they were just sluts that were shaming me for being a creep
>sure you are sugartitslike he literally wakes up in the episode only slighly hungover from last night, goes out zo feed the animals and comes inside to make his own food when he notices something he never did before- an opened can of dogfood that just stood there on the front shelf for a week left by somebody from his family, he could always see it but would never process it as such
theres always time for change, but I hold that just like in life some stuff just doesn't lead anywhere and those red herrings are crucials as they make point to being irrelevant, some things are just irrelevant and are just heat of the moment
does this all seem too convoluted? because I was hoping to add manipulation tactics by tihi bagrem where he manipulates people to do his bidding