>>74745956'1" 200lbs. I know that really isn't fat, but I went from 160 in November to my current weight. I started lifting and I have a little bit of a gut from being retarded and bloatmaxxing. I no joke ate 50 burgers in one week. My bench went form 75lbs to 155 though, so at least I have gotten stronger. Also my posture has improved, so I look more confident. I can for sure say that women have been giving me a LOT more attention. Before gaining all this weight I have noticed that all the skinny/attractive women are with strong/chubby guys. Since gaining weight I have gotten a lot more attention from women too. I think this is because most women want a strong guy who is bigger than them. Not just bigger in size, but bigger in the gut. This is because most women don't want to bang a guy who makes their self esteem go in the toilet.