>>20682340It's still fundamally true and you cant deny it. These kikes are culturally satanic in nature, and have nothing in common with Elijah, Enoch, David, Job, or Adam.
They are absolutely anti-mankind in nature (oh except for themselves since they are da "chosen" of Lucifer).
They are like lucifer-- born deceivers, insidious, lunatics, naturally evil, a fanatic cult, schizophrenic, psychotic, and unlike Muslims don't require the cia and mossad to fake their extremist sects to cause tragedy. You could read the personal account descriptions of Pilate that those that wanted to crucify Jesus and they haven't changed. Hell you can read the head Pharisees account and it reads like that vile office cunt that tries to make up any little thing to justify hating you. These people are not chosen by God, they are worse than scientology at its apex.