>>18826972>the elite is completly clueless and FUCK UP EVERYTHING THEN TOUCHYes, if we can use analogies here... understand the "elite" and their minions/NGO's (Three letter agencies) are very good at reading and playing sheets of music handed to them by the conductor. But they cannot play jazz!
They have no idea when the herd begin to stampede, and they find themselves running to the off-ramps they begin to attempt to front run the very assets that they need to maintain the balance between order and chaos.
This has all been orchestrated yes, so they are not clueless, this is their design! But they fail to realize how many are aware... The anons who see it, and are aware for sometime are on the herd's edge who see the wolves, who sniff the air and sense over the hill, there are jackalls approaching. We have been slowly moving to the opposite side, as we know once this herd gets moving there is no stopping it, it has to burn/tire itself out on its own. The elite are simply trying to channel the energy to their direction. They do not realize however the markets of resources are so small, that forget the "masses" moving into them, their own greed of fellow elites moving into markets will cause hyper-inflation.
Who is going to continue to operate the DEW's when their paycheck cannot support their families costco trip?
Who is going to believe in the local realms fiat (digital or paper) when silver/gold is10x the all time high, and every day air gapping up?
This will reverse, and when it does it will be glorious. But it will take time. Have faith, Hope and Love, for the elite have none of those things.
You are here right now reading this, you will make it, you are already preparing, you have been for years!
and to those who do not see it, Go get your booster.... I love you and hope you make it through this on the other side of these soon to be fireworks, but it is your path and choice.
God Bless