>>19450774>>19450772Before the big happening—total annihilation—Pale-skins often cited all the historical narratives and crime and poverty statistics, but, they couldn't cite the research and stats that showed who paid the MOST, if not ALL taxes. Were they able to, someone intelligent who they came into contact with would have happily pointes out to them a retarded slave who believed he was superior to his superiors. Still, they were so incredibly fucking retarded that they couldn't see it.
>the envy of the worldYet, all evidence shows otherwise.
>Whites never acted like niggers or shitskins.Not only did they, they still do and will
admit that they will, too, under specific conditions—when their made up, make-believe magic spells disappear. They did for thousands of years up until 1960, after 1945, where they could no longer compete in the hominid survival race.
>White countries are the best>We may as well be Gods in comparison to the rest of the humanoids on this planet.Value is subjective and because it is, it can certainly be argued that this is false. Too many examples of the opposite being true. I'll expound in a bit.
>Whites are responsible for the most charitable giving on earth.White guilt, intrusion or enslavement?
>Whites are responsible for 90% of the worlds inventions.>whitey always bragging about shit he didn't have a hand in"At least we built civilization".
>too stupid to comprehend that they used slaves (whites) to achieve this prison we live inIn addition, morons will claim all these great achievements while ignoring the fact that they are highlighting them in order to ignore the fact that they are justifying nigger behavior in whites; "it's okay that we behave(d) like niggers, because we built this and that, then invented "muh laws" and other made up, make-believe spells, so we could pretend to not be like niggers, even though we are."
>We obviously didn't kill enoughTNB Typical Nigger Behavior