>>20215502>>20224233>[Omega listens to Nikki Kade's promo, doing her best to feign indifference. But she's not wrong. Omega is old and her glory days are behind her. That's not a surprise nor a secret.]With something of a wry smile, Omega turns to ensure the younger Kade knows that she has the Breast Bout Machine's attention. She has some spunk to her, but anyone can see that Nikki Kade doesn't need Kelly Omega anymore. Unsurprisingly, Nikki's attention soon turns to Mimi Cue instead -- Gemma Stone was a bold choice, no doubt. Tch, that cheeky chest -- but Omega doesn't have time to reminisce as something clips the back of her left knee and Omega goes to the ground. It all happens in a flash, but the feeling of steel on leg is enough. Omega screams. Through the pain she registers an incoming chair shot, and locks eyes with Samanta in a defiant glare.
Thankfully, the shot never comes and a dozen trainers and referees come running for the second time in as many matches. Must be a PPV coming up...
Sam flees, and Stacey kneels down next to her. Grimacing through the obvious pain, Omega replies.
"Don't worry about it, kid -- uh, I mean, Stacey. This is the kind of business we're in. Besides, you can't say I didn't have this one coming, tch."