If you REALLY want to understand it all it takes a bit more than even that.
You need to read the Deuterocanonicals which is in all the Bibles I posted.
the KJV crowd calls them the Apocrypha.
Especially read Macabees 1 and 2. They will show you who the Judahites were related to. The Dorian Greeks, (Sparta)
Then buy Josephus: The History of the Jews
https://www.amazon.com/Josephus-History-Condensed-Simple-English/dp/1944878327/http://penelope.uchicago.edu/josephus/ant-pref.htmlJosephus: The Jewish Wars
https://www.amazon.com/Jewish-War-Revised-Penguin-Classics/dp/0140444203/http://penelope.uchicago.edu/josephus/war-pref.htmlThis will explain what happpend in Judea between 150BC where Maccabees ends and when Jesus was born.
It will completely illuminate you as to who EXACTLY the Jews are. Josephus was a Judahite from the tribe of Judah.
Not a Jew.
Then if you can still breath. Buy the Jerusalem Targum and your mind will be blown wide open.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Targum_Pseudo-Jonathanhttps://www.amazon.com/Targum-Pseudo-Jonathan-Targums-Book-3-ebook/dp/B01BB7WP9Y/Most people do not know this but the Talmud started off as the Traditions of the Elders which is mentioned in the Bible and it came from Judahites (Isrealites from the Tribe of Judah) and not Edomites (Jews).
This is the only interpretation we have from them of the first 5 books of the Bible. Each targam following this was Jewish (Edomite) and not Judahite (Israel)