>>19861068>[Omega is chilling at the OniVilla. She has a promo scheduled for sometime soon, but after her night with Sheila she needs a day of peace and qui]--Onigiri is here. Omega prepares for the worst, but it pleasantly surprised. She furrows her brow and puts away the crossword she was idly chipping away at.
"Well, Im--"
>[Think before you speak.]"Well, Onigiri, the Holly match was a mistake. She baited you in and made you do something dumb. It was almost clever of her. But... you're on Saturday, right? I'm shattering Colby's fivehead on Sunday night, so yeah, I guess I'm free. Uh, I mean, I'd love to. But don't worry about messing up. Think of the positives. This is Samantha's second match, so you'll have the experience. You're the longest reigning champion in... shit, GJPW or the WWA. Almost as many defences as fucking Divine, too."
>[Omega snorts slightly at her own joke.]"Nah, look. I'll be there, all right? And I'll be *brutally* honest with you. Especially if you lose. You hear me? *Especially if you lose.*"