Hey do you remember that train derailment attack on the USNS Mercy?
Well it turns out that is something to do with the fact that it's happening. The mass arrests and children being rescued are real and it's HAPPENING NOW.
Just a few days ago doctors in NYC confirmed they are caring for the victims right this moment.
What is the real reason for this pandemic? Why was #FilmYourHospital trending on instagram and twitter showing that every hospital in the US was empty? Why have we never seen footage or pictures of a real corona virus patient? Why is every death being counted as CV now? Why are 99% of deaths from hospices and nursing homes for elderly? Why are only pedowood elites getting the rona? Pope, Trudeaus,Coumo, Tom Hanx, hollywood, NBA, NFL. What's the real reason they are prepping for this quarantine? Why are they asking you to donate blood? Why is the Salvation Army asking to donate clothes? Why are Food Banks in LA and NY asking for donations even though there is not any food shortage in supermarkets? Why do you need all of this for a flu like virus?
There is no virus. These are preparations for the human trafficking victims AND THEY JUST ARRIVED
Donate Blood(except if you are a faggot)
Donate Clothes to Salvation Army
Donate food to the Food Bank.
The Storm Is Here