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So I'm half russian and this happened when I commuted from school on public transportation on the way back from school
>be me
>chatting with my friend after hard 7th grade average day of regretting everything.
>standing in the middle of bus with him and younger weak ass bro.
>brother nauseous and feeling ill
>stuck in traffic
>pat him on the head to console him
>he starts sobbing to himself as he feels sharp stomach pain
>Old lady sitting near starts yelling at me and beating me with her cane
>I yell back "Why?"
>she thought I was beating my brother up and I made him cry.
>Young lady next to her jumps in talking about how she isnt our parent and its our mums responsibility to raise us better.
>Old dude joins in trying to explain
>other people join in to the conversation and debate on parenting and how it should be done.
>meanwhile Im behing made to look like a complete dipshit brother in front of everyone
>friend pretends not to know me
>Whole bus erupts over how parenting should be handled.
>brother still sobbing.
>I think hes just hungry
>get off asap and walk home,
>buy bro food.
>he feels better
Food saves lives and beatings. Feed the hungry. Dont cause a bus to separate into factions of old vs young and cane weilders vs purses. ...