>>11343570>As a caveat careful where you go with that. Anarcho-communists would not only seek a return to nature, but to strip human endeavour of>>family>>religion>>private property>>money and barterYou're absolutely right.
Perhaps I should have been more specific no? There are people who would use what I'm saying to justify their desire to see humanity return to a lowly, barbaric state. The reasons for this I assume are many. Not least of all the unchecked ambition of being crowned king of the resulting trash heap. No, these people are lunatics. Would-be warlords and tyrants.
I believe man to be a rising beast, gifted intelligence and wisdom by... something. The human being ought to be a civilised creature for the very reasons you list out:
>family>religion>private property>money and barter My initial point is that theres a distinct lack of continuity between what we are and the systems that we currently live under. We ignore and deny ourselves what we are and as such we see people increasingly desperate to fill the void of meaning with deranged and often times grotesque displays of ideological possession. My argument is only this:
A caged animal is an animal non the less.
We could find a balance between what we are and what we ought to be. I believe it exists. We need only try Brother.
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