Christianity, when adopted by the Roman Empire, led to its downfall and ultimately resulted in the loss of control for the White Race over their own destiny.
It was a fabricated jewish slave religion for the goyim, designed to destroy the Roman Empire and the White civilization.
jesus is the antichrist to European people, the promotion of the jewish ego. This foreign cult is built upon lies and stolen history. jews are thieves and parasites.
Samson destroying the temple was actually Hercules, jesus turning the water into wine was Dionysus, walking on water was Poseidon, nearly every story in the bible is stolen from some other religion.
It's jewish nature to steal and then claim authorship.
Ancient Greece and Rome are the pinnacles of Western civilization, both civilizations existed before christianity.
>In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.>Fall of the Western Roman Empire - September 4, 476 ADThe Roman Empire was wealthy and civilized way before christianity. are the ones who started the trend of sending billions in food aid to Africans.
"Love thy Neighbor" more like "Love thy Negro" you fucking nigger worshipers.
Fuck Christians. Literally invented white savior complex. Wasting our time helping those who would NEVER help us back.
Wake. The fuck. Up.
Stop giving your spiritual energy to an evil tribal jewish entity.
Stop suppressing the accomplishments of your ancestors, their advancements in math and science, all made in SPITE of the church.
Telling people that this world is a temporary chance to live a pacified life as a devoted slave seeking rewards in an eternal afterlife, will lead whites to trip over themselves enthusiastically trying to help everyone, and that is fucking treasonous. You don't help the enemy.
>>19193878shut the fuck up.