>>13133590based no-nonsense straight shooter
>>13133593get a brain moran
but being monolingual is different from not understanding your mother tongue being spoken by foreigners. if the argument was about language proficiency i'll stop right now but i didn't get the impression it was.
were the people arguing about this american? sounds like such an american perspective. just because the countries are smaller geographically doesn't mean we're raised in some hodgepodge and we're masters at understanding foreigners lol. and certainly we're not raised in an environment where two or more languages are spoken, unless you're like in london or paris or some other megapolis. i was born 50 km from the romanian border and i had no idea what romanian even sounded like until i studied it in college. and that's not something unique to me.
yeah well when normies shit on america they're shitting on white americans. think hard and try to remember any complaints about america you've heard (outside of 4chan) and tell me if you think any were directed at black people or latinos. not if they were applicable to them, if they were directed at them. like when people dunk on you for muh gunz they're not talking about inner city niggers with glocks and mac10s are they?