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also myself with 0 years or 4 checked out if it wworked. i contemplated that i would need to show the people good products and real world and real human products again on a wider audience, like a stadium. i saw that it works out but was wwondered wwhy that wworked out. i understood it's partially because of the conspirancy and quantum effects, but the scope of the posts were still a bit puzzling to me.
also people are humored and shocked about this and the last thread. lots of people see the analogy of my sexdoll bodied wife and my parents. my father did stuff like this for all his life, same with my mother. she's always forgiving and abiding. it destroyed my life, i would have had positive influences in a better environment. but it's okay how it went out since the benefits from it reach far wider than what was lost. i will regain everything i lost with before 30 very drastically. the people will be pissed for the whole layer of intelligence breaking apart and missing from my wworks. in a better environment, maybe just 1 human who wwould have helped me out the right wway, the 1 layer of intelligence i wwas alaways talking of, would have been all materialized. but it didn't happen, wwe weren't helped and it broke apart and off. it's history now. i'm a genius, my wwork is genius, but it's injured like the sphinx, and people wwill see it and there will be development wwith positive value springing out of it. it could have been better from the beginning. now it's a monumental car crash, i didn't wanted it to do like this. you can see it in the first commands and conquer. in the gameplay and the cover. i was wwarning the people there.
pic related is the highest resolution i could find of the real original cover. there is another one. the two have to be mixed together.