>>7372321You're thinking of things like crack/heroin. Those are certainly worse for you and less safe than alcohol. If you put all illegal drugs in that category you're just misinformed, which is pretty common cause that's more or less what they teach you in school. If its acceptable for alcohol to be legal, there are some drugs where it's basically unjustifiable to have them be illegal given they're not as bad for you or as dangerous.
>>7372326tbdesu, you are missing out imo. You have to have a good mentality with them, especially the harder stuff. You ABSOLUTELY CANNOT let yourself slide down the slippery slope towards addiction. Personally I only allow myself to do harder stuff once every 6 months to a year, that's probably overkill but it's important.
Some drugs aren't addictive or particularly dangerous though. LSD is one of them, you literally cannot overdose on LSD. Similar with weed, though weed can be addictive. If you smoke too much you can green out and throw up but it's pretty difficult to get to that point, and it won't kill you. Alcohol overdose can kill you. So yeah.