Quoted By:
>be me in middle school
>discover deviantart
>wtf i like shitty inflation art now
>dont know what browser history is
>dad searches muh history
>he explains it saves every page I look at
>oh fug D:
>wander off and try to watch a movie in living room as my dad looks at it all
>"son, come over here"
>slink over to my room again
>"what is all this?"
>face as red as possible, eyes watering already
>" it wasnt me!"
>he opens a few extra embarrasing examples, dobson-tier inflation
>"it wasnt me..."
>pc is in my room, nobody else uses it, but thats all i can think to say
>he laughs at how retarded the art looks
>brings mom in to look at my fetish
>"oh, all boys look at porn"
>she just said that to try and make me not kill myself, we all think its pathetic