>>12624537I swear I could make motivational videos with the level of bullshit I'm capable of typing out
maybe I've been pissing at the wrong bush
what do you think brit? do I have the talent of being a motivational spokesperson?
>bad thingyes, it's giving up the position of the Übermensch to the everyday layfolk, they are not the overman, they cannot rise above in a true fashion but if all of god's chose people turn their faces against him then they are truly the men inside the caverns
sitting, watching the shadow play, being uninterested in politics and the world around them, hiding in their shelter and refusing to take the step forward
truly a move of an untermensch
they kept telling me, if I don't finnish the colleg the migrants will take the jobs and little men like me will never see the sun from them
I'm just not sure that university is the path to enlightenment, I'm gonna try but I'm not gonna put all of my eggs in that one basket
I advise you take precautions and have safety plans too, maybe you don't have to change your life by much- but change is imminent to humanity, without change we'd still be no better than any other ape, innovation is a key element to progress
you don't have to change much- but you have to be innovative with how you face your problems
>entire eggthat's how you get salmonela, bro
if they are storebought you're pumping yourself with raw unprocessed antibiotics that you should really first cook to prevent possible allergic reactions
if they are fresh from the coup that's how you get salmonella and food poisoning
it's akin to drinking toilet water
>but the eggshells are washedbacteria don't get inside from the eggshells, they get inside inside the chicken since due to claca the reproductive system is riddled with bacteria