>>5149833Adding another layer gives you the egg of life, which you again find in nature, for example in the earliest stages of development, but i dont have anything on that, so we skip it for now.
Pic related is the fruit of life seen in sites all over the world, adding a new layer to the circles. it contains all platonic solids, the building blocks of this world. I believe the cube resembles also a lower understanding that entraps you in this world. but viewing the bigger picture, metatrons cube as a symbol, lets you see beyond the cube, the material world and see the universal blueprint and as such proof of higher forces shaping this world. the truth sets you free. In this case because it lets you know there is more than the material world
>>170578213i can go into spiritual entities in a bit. but asked yourself who doesnt want you to know. the good or the bad ones? if they scare you its likely the bad ones, and when the bad ones dont want you to know its even more reason to know