Quoted By:
Genuine bant Peer Reviews about Yonkers:
“I did give up talking to him. It seems like he only wants to communicate with people who hurl abuse at him.”
“You’re the most delusional retard I’ve seen, take a long hard look at yourself. How are you okay with that?”
“Are you this fucking dumb? HOW CAN YOU BE THIS DUMB, YONKERS? Please explain it very well to me because I just cannot comprehend HOW INCREDIBLY DUMB YOU ARE.”
“Is Yonkres *STILL* sperging on and on and on? It's been like four or five days in a row! Let's hope he does not have access to a bloody firearm, because he's surely close to going Postal... he just does not know when to stop on 4chan, does he? Time to stop humiliating yourself, dude. Fucking idiot.”
“There are several people that dislike you here and that is the truth.”
“Jordan Rivera, if nobody here cares about you and everyone actually despise you and would be so much more happy if you were gone, which has been said multiple times, why do you keep coming back here? Why do you keep subjecting yourself to that pain?”
"Why do you do it? You realize that nobody is forcing you to do it, right? You choose to reply to us."