>>10950642You need to create a new mental pathway towards your orgasm. Try a reset first. You need to stop all sexual activity for a number of months. Then try jerking off to pictures of women. Do not associate physical dominance over men with sexual pleasure. There is nothing masculine about dominating a man who wants to be dominated, if you were to rape your enemy that would be masculine. True Masculinity creates life in women, and creates a better environment for children to prosper in.
You need to reset your sexual habits. This can only be done through strict discipline. If you cannot completely forgo your sexual urges then you will never master them. You must master your sexual urges and subject them to your reason and dictates. This is masculinity, the mastery of yourself and then aspects of the world around you.
Quit all sexual behavior then reintroduce women as a sexual stimuli. Only allow yourself pleasure at the sight of women. Move from pictures of women, to women dancing, then to lesbian porn. Once you have retrained your brain to associate sexual pleasure with the female body, actually seek pleasure from the female body.
Once you are able to do this again, you will be fine and can seek a stable relationship with a female.
Also, you need to study Christian thinking. Obviously the method I have just outlined is sinful, however, you have already allowed the reward system in your brain to be tricked. You will have to undo this perversion by retraining your brain. It would have been best that your first sexual experiences were simply with your wife on your wedding night, but this is your only option.