>>9904638It's the same with every medium, the super-dedicated retards drag everyone else down. It just so happens that turbo-weebs (ACTUAL weeaboos/wapanese not the "has watched naruto and maybe K-ON" nu-definition) are even more repulsive to the average person than your average audiophile or western comic book guy, although they are generally just as stupid. People understand that guys that buy 1000 dollar golden cables and wire stands to maximize audio quality are stupid and do not represent all people that are serious about music. However, that hasn't happened yet for anime, and when a normalfag learns you like it there's a decent chance they think you watch boku no pico and own 30 dakimuras. And of course it's impossible to throw an entire nation's animation into a one-size-fits-all box, for every Lucky Star there is a LotGH, etc.