>>15680575To understand why? You need to understand our class system. Traditionally our society was separated into 3 separate and distinct classes based on socio-economic and political ties.
1- Working class, these are your Baz's your Tangos, your typical bald fat beer drinkers who typically work manual labour careers they have little to no formal education and as such are the least concerned about their appearance.
2 - Middle Class, these are Farmers, Teachers, Lawyers, Dr's, e.t.c. they are the educated class, But tend to be quiet cowardly. You will not find them in Benidorm, they will Holiday in a villa in the South of France in Italy.
3 - Upper Class, think Aristocracy, Lords, Sirs, large Land Owners, anyone with a formal title. Their education doesn't equate to their class as their status is based on old money and breeding. Think Prince Harry and Andrew, upper class men who without their titles, their connections, who they are not what they are, would be subject to cleaning toilets because of how objectively retarded they are.
These were the traditional roles of society in England and the UK but with mass immigration and the loss of respect for morality within our country these classes mean less and less as each generation passes.