>>13106991>In the second temple period, the rabbis started to force everyone to use "adonai" isntead of YHWH, this was because Adonai means "my lords" or "my baals", this has become "THE LORD" in english which is not "Yhwh" BUT " HA Baal" or the same as Hadad Baal>therefore they hijacked the religion of the israelites and in turn the christians>what does this mean? the majority of the world worships BAALhence the top heading of "baal worship" "human sacrfice
>yes the majority of the world are Canaanites, this includes the talmudic jews,>this is why the vatican is there and it leads to the progerssion into the real illuminati that comes from the birtish and riothschild dynasties merging into the same power,they replaced all the aristocracies using napoleon as a puppet and american revolution as its "new realm" hence all the symbolism in early america