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The big complaint I hear is that "the right cant organize". Well, let's try to organize together and go for a hike in our local hills or forestry.
>why a hike?
It's a great way to get a group of people to be active, talk and start local groups of friends and partners that can organize in an area to do things. Not to mention it's easy, no banners need to be made, no stickers, nothing but you, your friends and a pair of shoes.
>where are we hiking?
Anywhere, use this thread to get local participants to meet at a designated location in your area to just go on a hike and make frens.
>who are we hiking with?
Anyone in your local area, meet new people, invite your own friends to mix with new ones, (I'd recommend inviting women along, it'll attract many more anons if it means they can meet women). The point is to build local communities of people organized around one thing.
>you're a fed, you're data mining
I'm a retard from California that likes hikes and wants people to make local communities they can lean on and use to develop their physical, social and mental health. Ignore the fed spam.
With that being said, dont be too specific about your area of residence, a 30 mile radius is probably a safe buffer zone, but be specific on trails, meeting times, supplies, maybe even plan a camping trip! Good luck and happy trails!