>>6888156let's sum up the other places that are more or less alternatives to this shit hole
>8chchan>HURR DURR HAFCHAN IS SHIET WE WUZ 4CHIN N SHIET B4 /B/ WENT TO SHIET AND OUR SECURITY STEMS FROM THE FACT THAT WE USE A DIFFERENT IMGBOARD THAN YOURS>r9k>who "virgin" here? fembot here ama. haha why haven't you got a gf yet? i love taking dicks in my ass and i'm soon becoming a real girl uwu.>any other niche imgboard*cricket noises*
I'm only on 4shit out of circumstances. I can't afford to slap a name next to my avatar because my mentality is strongly against normoid forums which consist pretty much of hugboxes and degenerated hiveminds. On top of that no one can ban me for bashing someone on here.