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Socially, I'm left wing. I think that anyone should be able to do anything they want so long as it hurts nobody but themselves. I think all drugs should be legal. We've seen what the war on drugs accomplishes. I support gay marriage, though I don't think marriage should have any legal implications whatsoever. Generally, I feel like the government oversteps its bounds by a wide margin when it comes to controlling how we live. I don't think the government should act as a big parent for everyone, but rather it should just make sure that nobody is hurting or stealing from one another, and otherwise leave everyone to their own business.
Fiscally, I'm more moderate or maybe a bit right leaning, though I value my positions here much lower than the ones above because I don't believe I'm educated enough to have solid opinions on these issues, and I could probably be pushed either left or right quite easily if a more knowledgeable person tried to convince me. That being said, I think the minimum wage in my country is a bit too high, all this does is cut out low skill, entry level jobs and reduces the number of people that companies can employ. I certainly disagree with the way younger people get paid less, because that makes them much more desirable to employers than adults who also have no skills or training, even if they would be willing to get paid the same amount as the teenagers. I do think taxation is theft TECHNICALLY, though I don't really care. The system we have is clunky and arguably immoral but it works, sort of. That being said, I'd still be happy to work cash in hand. I think unemployed people SHOULD receive government benefits (assuming the government in question can actually afford to do that of course), as if they don't, it leads to homelessness, crime, and degeneracy. I'll take lazy people over criminals any day.