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>>13052599Plus some additional questions:
>Why do the sun and moon appear to fall below the horizon? Ancient people believed they actually went below the earth. Every flatty model I've seen has them revolving in a parallel circle above the half-diameter of the flat disc. Shouldn't they just pass somewhat low in the sky then fade behind the haze of dust I've heard flatties say causes the horizon?
>Why does what time of day it is on various parts of the Earth at the same time line up with the globe model but not the flat model?The small sun close to the Earth should be putting out light in a sphere around it self so should light up a circle under itself. Yet what actually happens is that slightly less than half of the Earth is lit up at any given time, and what parts that is shifts throughout the year.
>Why can't you take one of those upper atmosphere drone videos in southern chile or some other far southern location and see the ice wall? It's a large wall of ice in a concave circle around the whole world, bigger than any of the continents, you can't miss it. (If you get to Mu or Agartha you went too far!)