>I did the math we're paying for the house 3 full times.Once you see what the house is going to be worth at the end of the term, you see that you're not paying for the house three times. Your goal post is in a false place, at the beginning, you forget Hyperinflation in America is double digit monthly so you have to pay to make the banks whole again on their Currency counterfeiting. You're not only paying the original amount and the fixed-rate percentage of it per-year in a distributed way, you're paying for what the thing will be worth at the end, which is at minimum 10x more than what you paid, and optimically, 100x or 1000x times more. So you're not paying for the house 3 times, yo'ure paying for between 1% and 9% of the house over the 30 year term. To make you feel better, shift the goal post to the final resting place where you can rent out one of your rooms for $35,000/month to some immigrant and he's gonna pay you that.
Yes it sucks to be a slave in America, but the alternatives are worse. And if it's so bad, then rent it out. You get paid to receive the house. The tenants don't know they're flushing money down the toilet every month.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaXZx34KyQcWhat makes it okay is you can say: "No" as soon as you're ready to stop being a slave, and just borrow money and spend it and never pay it back. That's how the Jews get rich. Your problem is you.