Our board will devolve into another colony of /jp/ and /a/ unless we do something about it.
Presenting the /Bant/ Restoration Movement
How to partake in the movement:
>Any and all cirno/slowjak threads shall be ignored hidden and saged>Spam the absolute SHIT out of this thread, an*MEfag threads will be buried so far back that they will 404 themselves>Only original shitposting is allowed, god forbid I have to look at one more thread with the same meme posted 20 times again>Traps are GAY, fucks sake you really aren't thinking of banging shit like that, because if you are you need a helicopter ride.>Send any anime poster back to >>>/a/ and tell them to stay there, they have a dedicated board for their weebo /trash/What you get in return:
>Shitposting is legal again>/bant/ can get restored to old /b/ status again>Australians can come back>Our board anthem is officially changed to Auferstanden Aus Ruinen (The board will rise from it's old ruins, we do not have any affiliation with communism) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTV92wqYjfASomebody can edit this and put a /bant/ flag over it, but remove cirno first.
>/bant/ gets a new flag, to remind an*MEfags that this is our board.Join us anon, /b/ and /s4s/ aren't practical alternatives and we're losing this board to cirno repost threads, literally no better than 9gag.