>>21601266Fuck your cult.
It’s a full on death cult that promises an eternal bliss land for your (((soul))) or eternal suffering for the “enemy”. Faith before blood. Their desert fairytale is more important than their people, nation and race.
They hide all of this demonic nonsense by calling themselves the “good” guys. The “pious”, “faithful”, “full of humility”, “saints”, “kind” and “charitable”. But in the end it is nothing but a mask for low tier normies who are nothing more than psychopath’s ready to rape, murder and torture at the drop of a hat. Not for family or kin but for validation and a book of fiction written by 40 authors.
Forward planning? Heh, if it’s not in the fairytale or if the herd doesn’t talk about it. It doesn’t exist to them.
You can never trust a christcuck. They are completely illogical, unfeeling, unthinking, cold hearted, lying and absolutely traitorous.