>>13979678Interesting. Do you subscribe to the belief that the pagan gods are just different names for Nimrod? It was said that Nimrod and his wife Semiramis and their son Tammuz were deified as the Sun, Moon, and Star Gods. When the languages changed they would be named differently
Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz
Odin, Freyda, Balder
Osiris, Isis, Horus
Also Yggdrasil could also the be the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. Yggdrasil is said to be in the center, in Enoch 26:1 we are told about a cut down tree in the middle of the earth:
>"And from there, I went to the middle of the Earth, and saw a blessed, well watered place, which had branches which remained alive, and sprouted, from a tree which had been cut down."
If we look at the plasma moon map there is sort of like a circle in the middle (it is more visible on the actual moon map) which looked interesting to me