>>21763550Caffeine is fucking terrible. It's insanely addictive and it puts me into a zombified state which is incredibly difficult to snap out of. I've been off and on with it for the past two or three years now, recently went around 4 months without having any, and it made a huge difference in my ability to get things done throughout the day, sleep quality and quantity, cognition, initiative, etc., everything improves without that garbage pumping through my veins. The most subtle and scary effect is that of contraction of perception of time; it seems to speed up time, likely due to this 'zombified state' i mentioned earlier, thus the illusion of increased productivity seems to be aided by this effect which makes one feel like much has been accomplished in a short time when a longer time has elapsed.
I encourage anyone and everyone to experiment with going caffeine-free and paying attention to your perception of time and how productive you really are without it. I guess it takes a few weeks to fully detox and go back to normal, but I have results within a week or so. Takes 3-4 days for the cravings to go away, but the hardest part is just telling yourself NO for the first day to get some momentum.
I'm too retarded to go into the science behind why it's bad, but I'm good at noticing things and understand enough of the science myself to connect the dots on some things. Addiction is bad for your brain and should be avoided at all costs, and caffeine is highly addictive. All the "science" around it is bullshit and I am genuinely surprised that so many people haven't figured this out. Big hearty KEKW to the idea of it being GOOD for you like so many people hilariously believe.
At this point, I think caffeine should be banned or at least heavily taxed similarly to cannabis.
Caffeine Blues PDF: