>>3658590Why haven't whites enslaved the blacks again? If you guys are so superior, why can't you enslave us or anyone else now? You caught us with our guard down before and took advantage of our naive trust in the goodwill of our "fellow man", you suckerpunched us into slavery, like bitches. Now you're scared to try again now that we're woke. Why not try that shit now?
That's right, because you never had control, you just had money and power, but money and power doesnt prevent their minds from wandering off to more masculine races, all the money and power doesnt change the fact that you have become more and more feminized as a whole.
You can do all the crossfit you want, slap on as many tattoos as you want, in the end, you are still a weak ass white boy, and your women know it. and deep down you know it, which is why youve been so god damned angry at everyone else in the world