It seems to me that the silver price manipulation has been going on for a long long time, a lot longer than the current incarnation of the enemy. If you take into account the fact that roughly.10 ozt was worth a skilled laborers wage for a day during Jesus's day, add into account the fact that in places today even a blue collar worker can pull 2k a week before taxes in a lot of places. Now realize that means 1oz or 14 dimes being two weeks of pay = $4,000 for an ounce. We are way way off from silvers true historical value.
This is close to what Mike Maloney said in his new vid here: [Embed]
Except he said he thinks $3,000 + is an unobtainumable price, I'm not so convinced, if you look at the crushing tyranny that has devalued mans worth, value, and compensation, the lost power of the dollar, AND the suppression of $ilver, all that comes together for something way way way higher than where we are now.