>>22258376>Troon levels of delusionMexcrements really have to be severely mentally retarded and suffering from some sort of mental disorder that has to be seriously and scientifically be studied. I've never seen a mexcrement computer scientist, warhammer player, or doctor in america unless they happen to look white and take interest in that stuff while staying in mexico, but otherwise, the majority of mexicans do love working as glorified farm animals in the fields doing plebeian manual labor for little pay. Mexcrements have to be dumber than farm animals because at least the farm animals are smart enough to care about self preservation and have a drive to continue living for its own benefits with their own rules. They voted more for their own kind's deportation than niggers did in 2024! LOL
Jeets may be filthy and smell funky while shitting on the streets but their quirk of ambition for high tier jobs like being computer programmers or doctors is something to be noted on, also I've never seen a jeet cuck themselves to whites like the mexcrement typically does. I'll give the jeets some credit on that one, they're at least not spineless cucks who are cringe to observe from a pure social behavior standpoint. Watch the chances exponentially increase of a random mexicrement 1pbtid just come by to call me a "jeet" for pointing out the obvious, it's all they rely on when they see someone talking shit about them. It's like they're just npc parroters whose main purpose is to serve as a pleb in the fields and desperately appeal to white people like cuckolds lol. Mexcrements desperately trying to fit in and appeal to white people is like trannies trying to get involved in a room filled with TKD hamas members, literally just look at the amount of mexcrements in nick fuentes' community and on this board who are spineless confused cuckolds. You tell them anything in response and they'll just double down like a retarded bull who only knows to charge forward.