>>18579649oepsie woepsie
idk i've never been in that position
but have you ever tried to pronounce landmarks in languages you don't speak and aren't like huge like german, spanish, french, italian? here's a landmark, lavov most. decide how you think it's supposed to be read and then go to google translate, paste лъвoв мocт and tell me how you did. i think i'd do just as bad trying to pronounce dutch or scandinavian landmarks but at least the cabbies there would know what i'm talking about
i think they could have gotten away with it in that time period
>>18579670you don't have a team of lawyers but he might
no, you were being really negative about 'jak posting so i'll save it for other, more receptive spaces
you probably don't know this being a snownigger, but if you feel sleepy in the afternoon, you can just have a siesta.