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Anonymous (ID: MDYSOCoz) 08/03/17(Thu)13:14:31 No.1658932▶>>1658994 >>1659002
why can't americans make buildings properly??
Anonymous (ID: ijGvKLbW) 08/03/17(Thu)13:16:31 No.1658954▶>>1658994
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Anonymous (ID: I8P30Rdj) 08/03/17(Thu)13:17:53 No.1658966▶
Anonymous (ID: I8P30Rdj) 08/03/17(Thu)13:18:23 No.1658970▶
I've given you the response you deserve
Anonymous (ID: J5qqzO9c) 08/03/17(Thu)13:18:52 No.1658979▶>>1658986
Why can't Australians win a war with large flightless birds?
Anonymous (ID: KtJKslY1) 08/03/17(Thu)13:19:04 No.1658981▶>>1658999
Anonymous (ID: aKPtl89g) 08/03/17(Thu)13:19:35 No.1658986▶
Or dogs?
Anonymous (ID: ijGvKLbW) 08/03/17(Thu)13:20:01 No.1658990▶
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Anonymous (ID: Uuqb0crQ) 08/03/17(Thu)13:20:07 No.1658994▶>>1659020
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>>1658932 (OP)
>>1658954 (You)
serious question, why is 9/11 the go-to thing for ausfailia to make fun of?
Anonymous (ID: ko5TcDXj) 08/03/17(Thu)13:20:30 No.1658998▶
Why can't Australians make jokes that aren't