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AIDS began as a Black disease in Africa; it spread to White homosexuals through sexual contact with Blacks, and for a few years White homosexuals made up the principal reservoir for AIDS outside of Africa; now, among heterosexuals, AIDS is on the way to becoming an almost exclusively Black disease again. In addition to the obvious behavioral reasons for this, there also are more direct genetic reasons: Blacks are genetically predisposed to infection by the AIDS-causing virus. This is an inherited, racial difference.
The main reason why AIDS remains a concern for White Americans is that heterosexual Whites can and do become infected by the virus, even if not as easily as Blacks do, and when we are infected the virus is just as lethal for us. There was a time when the main infection channels for Whites were intravenous drug usage and bisexual White males, who spread the disease from their homosexual male partners to their heterosexual female partners. These days the greatly increased incidence of interracial sex, primarily between Black males and White women, is the principal channel the disease has into the heterosexual White population. Were it not for this interracial sex, we might be able to look forward to seeing the disease confined almost entirely to Blacks and homosexuals.