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Meet your new ruler, I, the great Donald Septim. I have the paperwork to prove I am the son of Martin Septim. What’s that? No I can’t release the paperwork because it’s under audit. As Emperor of Cyrodill I can’t release my proof of birthright while it’s under audit. Anyway, I want to build a magnificent wall to keep out the illegal Argonians. They come here to steal your jobs, rape your imperial wives, and smuggle ungodly amounts of skooma which they’re feeding into your children. I’ve seen it. Also I am imposing a ban on Khajit immigrants. They practice a violent religion in that desert. Radical Khajit terrorists! I’m sure, some I assume to be good people, but the majority of Argonians and Khajit are coming here to steal your jobs, rape your wives, and give drugs to your kids. Look what happened to the Dwemer. I read from an article from the Sheogorath Monthly that it may very well have been those people that caused them to go extinct. Do you want Imperials to go extinct?
My next order will be to impose martial law. The guard are working very hard to impose peace. It’s only a coincidence that 90 percent in the jail are Redguards. We are not racist and neither are the guards. The are getting more funding NOW. This’ll be the greatest monarchy unlike which has never been seen before. I tell you that.