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I like what he says in picrel, even if its verbose and intellectual-speak, which I don't care for either.
but that's essentially what I do all day, making sure I'm doing the things that take away uncertainty about my financial future, like if I continue to learn and grow and get better at the version of trading that I'm best at, the futures where I'm broke or middle class slowly but steadily fade away, and my next decisions are between millionaire and billionaire.
I hope all yous anons are doing the same. doesn't have to be great strides every day, tiny steps are actually best, if they are solid steps, and are done EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL NO BREAKS JUST ONE CONTINUAL FORWARD.
read a book, focus on your weakest aspect of trading, hone your mental game, find new companies to invest in, find new people on yt or twitter to learn from, just DO SOMETHING THAT DRIVES YOU FORWARD.
remember, if you focus on profits, you'll fail. you need to focus on the process, and the profits will follow eventually.
best of luck bros, we're all going to be better, today, tomorrow and the day after that until we're dead.