>>1472757ok thanks for the quick rundown.
I will watch/read it someday.
Although I am starting to lose interest in anime. Its kinda sad since I dont enjoy some shows that I know I would enjoy a few years ago.
>>1472774Never drinked Bud. Is it any good?
>>1472859Good to know. I am really curious to what you guys are dinking over there. I didn't really like beer when I was younger but nowadays I like it.
>>1472901A friend of mine is a whiskey lover and I tasted some of his bottles. What exactly are you drinking? According to my friend Glenfiddich is one of the best. But I cant really get much from it. The alcohol is too strong to make it enjoyable. I think it is more of an acquired taste.
btw: I just had a super nice round of playing Braum in LoL. I just love this guy.