>>11380195I hope so too. They really are a very unique breed of dog. I've appreciated the differences in the personalities/abilities of the dog breeds I've owned extremely. Rhodesian Ridgeback could run a marathon with me. German Short Haired Pointer was an extremely loveable varmint-crazy bundle of manic energy. GSD is very calm, extremely intelligent and contemplative, highly orderly, and ridiculously good looking.
The whole hybrid-vigor thing... it seems to lead to a lot of unpredictability in both animals and people. If you aren't working off a common genetic base... what results can you expect? I really don't know. It would be very interesting to know what proportion of genetic crosses lead to better outcomes, versus those that lead to worse outcomes. It's sort of the diamond in the rough scenario. For example, maybe if you cross a Congolese with a Bavarian you get shit genetics 99.999% of the time... but that other 0.0001% percent of the time, it's the Kwisatz Haderach lol. But then what do you do with the other useless 99.999%? I have heard anecdotally that hybridization can lead to many of the same problems in dogs that people claim it ameliorates.