>>19671696>I don’t think Taylor interacted with her at all. Tayleigh just called her a tranny and a prostitute to her back. I don’t think Taylor likes Tayleigh because of how she treated TJ after she left. This was liked by her.That image was pure TJ Maxxer seethe, Tay never once approved or condoned any of the stuff Jimmy did. She was the first target of Jimmy's rage outs on Christmas day during the hogtying stuff because she kept needling him and getting him in trouble. The second time was literally moments after the Taylor stuff and she was squaring up to fight him. Tay just has a bit more empathy and understood that Jimmy was still a good person being put under a lot of stress and was handling it poorly, which is why she started tard wrangling him and was upset that he couldn't restrain himself when he was leaving, which is why she kept talking about that 3ft world stuff.
On the inverse of that she knew freeloaders were brought into the tank just to fuck with people and I remember Tay getting tilted because she felt that Taylor was brought in just to headfuck TJ since Taylor came in literally the day CK left, so they were in the immediate wake of that love triangle bullshit between Trish-Brian-CK. Tay, Shinji, and a huge portion of the audience felt that Taylor's mission was to act as a succubus on TJ. So maybe that is where she started mouthing off about the prostitute shit. But I DO remember Tay hitting a point where she said she wasn't gonna cockblock TJ because he looked happier than he ever had been during his time in the tank. I was just wondering if Tay started chatting up Taylor in that timeframe.