>>9676680there is frictions when ideas becomes more important than love, connection and understanding.
that is ego becoming more important than life itself. All having different ideas what is good, when life itself is good.
it is very simple, but all these ideas make it complicated and creates friction.
way of life is not to fight or punish, life understands friction.
where is friction, there is fire, where is fire there is growth, uprising, understanding.
so way is not to fight, but bring the balance so that whatever happens, it cannot affect you, you don't cause friction.
intent and being, intent is just will to be, integrity for being. without it, we dissolve, cease to exist.
ego is that intent somewhat conscious. so that we can understand it and master all the elements and forces that together create integrity for our being.
creation is our game of evolution. everyone has own evolution and part on wholeness. growing and including more, solving friction.
mastering more ego from which life and love flows through you. life is intelligence creating own image,
as we do in life, evolution you could say. all being individual parts of that intelligence. working for harmony. one is all and all is co-creating. creation is
above as below, our bodies, like all bodies are mirroring creation and own light-groups in whole.
game is include much as possible with less friction, balancing, becoming bigger part and that is way for evolution, creation.