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Had bizarre hearing tests when really young
Went to gifted art classes when I was in year 4 (australia) The rooms had the windows covered with art. Can't remember what happened there
Blue eyes
Occidental Bun
No birth complications according to parents
My sisters nearly died drowning in a pool, I had to get help from parents to save her, I was 5.
No memory of advanced art class, covered windows.
Had strong feeling of being followed when younger
Had a couple run ins with law enforcement, were lenient.
Do well on IQ tests. Did army test for officer entry and was top 99.6%
Big time into Meme magic, Roman polytheist.
Did a month of Ayahuasca when I was 24 in Peru.
See pic
Did lots of early speech therapy, wouldn't talk.
First born son
No Migraines
First GF was arty, but not Jewish I think
Lots of Chaos magick books on my shelf
Lots of fore warning in dreams