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Sit down for a green text
>Be me
>15 yo Sperg in highschool
>Loner for whole first year.
>Finally gonna change this year
>Meet guy named Rick.
>Cool guy. Also Sperg.
>Has a fetish tier level of love of pixar movies
>Other than that he's okay.
>Never liked Pixar movies. But i should try them right?
>Rick is ecstatic when i say yes to marathon them.
>Go to his house after school
>We marathon the movies.
>Pleasantly suprised.gif
>Ask him if i could borrow a couple.
>He says sure. And asks me which one.
>I say the one with the old man "Up" i think
>He says sure and leads me to his attic.
>I go up the stairs first.
>There is a guy hunched over in the corner
>He notices me and screams "RUUUUNNN"
>Trap door shuts and locks
>Oh shit.mp4
>Talk to to about what happened
>He said he made the same mistake.
>He asked for the same movie
>The man turns to me and says
>"Rick will never give you up And he wont let you down"