>>12100462*ding ding ding*
Now, if I could have your attention for just a moment.
There is a nigger-faggot tranny-kike mod who hates the idea of hurting Voice Recognition Software and (((Google))) so *he* (since he will never be a woman nor ever pass as one) will almost certainly ban me and censor this thread.
If it is not too much trouble, please repost this on occasion so that all anons in all time zones know to FUCK these FUCKING captchaSHITFUCKERS!
Secondly, believe it or not, there is at least one autistic faggot-kike who is trying with freakish desperation to subvert this attack vector and diluting our ability to overwhelm the system by getting everyone to say NIGGER instead of SOAP.
I believe that my ideas stand upon their own merit. But I'll reiterate why SOAP beats NIGGER.
Operation NIGGER has been going on for between 6 months and 10 years with greater effort for the past 6 months when I created this thread
>>264032376It is extremely unlikely that the captcha-fuckers have not simply filtered out NIGGER responses by now. Thus, typing nigger probably does nothing. It is paramount to fuck with VRS so that (((smart phones))) cannot listen in on your own conversations. So gradually, we must fuck with their algorithms until spy-ware no longer works.
We must overwhelm these scum with our autism. Everyone type SOAP instead of the last word.